Jesus, The Old Fad


With the controversy of the movie �Passion of the Christ�, everyone seems to be talking about Jesus and being the follower that I am, I shall do it too. Except my Jesus isn�t starring in a big movie, nor was he killed thousands of years ago. My Jesus is a 20-year-old hippie boy. He was the object my affection for the latter part of the fall semester but after Bigfoot became a big part of my life, Jesus was pushed aside though I still watched his every move.

After we returned from winter break I haven�t seen any trace of him. It wasn�t till 3 weeks later that I saw him across the parking lot. He cut his hair, getting rid of the dread locks that I helped to make. He had on huge black sunglasses, no longer looking like a pothead but more of a cokehead. He moved out of the dorms shortly after that and got an apartment somewhere in town. Yesterday was the second time I�ve seen him. It was in the dinning hall. He sat few tables away from me with Kay, the new girl in the dorms. She�s a hippie girl as well but very pretty. Rumors already reached my ears about their relationship. In the next 30 minutes I watched them from the corner of my eye. There will always be something about that boy that captivates me, makes me hold my eyes upon him. Everything stops whenever he�s around and I�ll find myself holding my breath whenever he�s near. It�s odd how much of an effect he can have on me. For a small amount of time I was bit angry that he gave Kay a chance and not me. Then I realized that any relationship between him and me would more likely fail. We�re just two opposite people. Besides, he looks like a girl with the new haircut.