When It Rains It Pours


I can�t handle stress well. More than likely I opt for crawling under my blankets and pushing all the unpleasant thoughts away. Lately however I�ve just been crying a lot whenever stressful situations arise. Last week was horrible, so many things occurred in these dorms pertaining to the group of people near me that when the weekend rolled around I was more than glad to see everyone go home. The drama resumed however on Monday.

It�s hard to go into detail on certain situations. So far, Bigfoot�s roommate was threatened by frat boys who believe he attack one of their girlfriends. Absolutely ridiculous notion but the girl is convinced that it was him. She got the school involved and a bunch of drunks. Before he could even suffer the consequences, his life was threatened and yesterday I watched him pack in frenzy, too shaken up to even discuss what happened. It was too hard to see such an honest good kid throw everything away a month before school ends. It�s hard to see people not believing his side of the story.

The dorms were divided on their opinions which lead to another incident where 2 guys broke into Bigfoot�s room, stole money, called the cops and reported that Bigfoot sells weed. The cops searched the room and found nothing. It�s a vicious cycle that goes on between these guys. Revenge leads to more incidents. I feared for Bigfoot because sometimes he lack common sense and would go out and do something irrational. What added onto my stress is that he�s also having health problems and is having another relapse of severe depression. There�s only so much I can do to help him.

All of this prevents me from concentrating on my school work. I feel like more problems are falling on top of each other and they all lay there unsolved. I can�t take it well. There�s so much frustration built up in me now. Whenever I get to the brink of tears I feel like I should be crumbling down into pieces yet all I want is to punch a wall and scream at everyone. The only thing that gets me through these times is the notion that I�ll be out of here within a month. Brooklyn is hell but this is starting to become it�s close partner.