Crossing Over To The Bad Side


My away message says I�m studying but I�m truly not. Tomorrow�s Politics test is quite freighting only because I am expected to top my A- score from the last test. I still don�t know how I achieved that grade in the first place.

My headache isn�t helping this either. It�s the reminder of last night�s events. Bigfoot and I tripped on mushrooms and it was absolutely crazy. It was my first time and I didn�t expect much but as I sat in the bathroom and suddenly started seeing the walls bleed, I knew something was happening. It was so intense that all I could do was lie in his bed and stare into space, which was suddenly filled with psychedelic images. The poster above his bed started talking to me so I turned my head to the TV where real world San Diego was on. I wondered why Jacquese has a third eye on his forehead. The TV was on mute while Bigfoot played The Postal Service. The music was fading in an out of my head. It felt like there were other people in the room, whispering quietly into my ear. Bigfoot spoke to me but his voice just echoed through my head and I couldn�t grasp anything he said.

Someone knocked on the door. In order to get to it, Bigfoot jumped of the bed, tried jumping over the chair but only succeeded in tripping over it and with a loud bang he slammed onto the floor and sort of slid towards the door. It was quite an eyesight and I tell you, even today I can�t stop laughing at it. I call it �the greatest fall of all time� in compliments to Matchbook Romance.

By 2 am my brain was fried and I was restless. I stumbled down to my room and collapsed onto my bed. Falling asleep wasn�t easy, waking up was even harder. The headache continues but it�s a small price to pay for such an experience.