Being Picky Leads To Being Educated


I was always the person who accepted things the way they were and never tried to fine-tune them to my liking. Such as my classes, even if they were bad I would still suck it up and continue to attend them because making an effort to change them scared me. Well, something occurred this semester that made me change my frame of mind. I didn�t like half of my classes, and yes I am aware that I hand picked them myself only few months ago, still I decided to take a stand and change it all.

The drop and add period lasts a week here, meaning I can add or drop a class without penalty. For 7 days I have managed to drop and add classes 6 times. The lovely lady that works with these slips suddenly turns menacing upon seeing me back at the counter again. My advisor who needs to sign these slips every time, claims I am hard to please. How far fetched of him.

In the end I ended up with the following.

History of Modern America- The professor taught me last semester and I have grown fond of him. There�s a strange pattern that developed over the years when it comes to all my history teachers. No matter how bad they are on the eyes I find them extremely dreamy. And at 9:00 am he manages to keep me awake, that�s something no one else can do.

Introduction to Sociology- This time slot was filled with my Mathematical Statistics class but learning from last semesters experience, I�ve came to the conclusion that my math credits should be put off for the longest that I can. Sociology is an odd class where you don�t have the fundamental learning of facts but simply theories and ideas and sometimes I feel that is too much for my simple mind.

Introduction to World Literature- Personally, I love English but unfortunately I got unlucky with the teacher this time around. She manages to kill any joy for works of literature that I may have. Plus seeing her camel toe 3 times a week is sort of disturbing on my eyes.

American Politics and Government- My newly acquired class, which requires an 800-page book to be brought in systematically. The teacher is also well known to be a close comparison to Ben Stein in �Ferris Bueller�s Day Off�. Still, I have high hopes for this subject.

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology- This is becoming a close favorite of mine. The teacher is lively and excited about teaching us about various cultures. And gosh darn it, don�t we all love to hear about those Amazonian cultures?

In all, I think there�s a very high chance that I might learn something this time around.