Half Way To 40


Today is quite a momentous day. It is the day where I step into the perils of adulthood and leave the 1�s out of my age. Yes today I turn 20. Aside from the psychological effects of this, it is quite a good day. Cards are flooding my mailboxes and my phone has been ringing non-stop, which gives me hope that I in fact do have people in my life that care about me.

Here's a rundown of what I have recieved so far. A lovely present from my own body was a beautiful cold sore which I'll treasure forever. Isn't it thoughtfull of myself? I bet your body would never think of that. The lovely parents who are now reconciled, have sent a sufficient amount of money to do with as I please. I won�t inform them however that probably most of it will go to my continuation of bad habits. Little B, the stingiest person one can meet, gave me a dime bag at which point the angels came down and sang Hallelujah to celebrate such miracle. Bigfoot on the other hand blessed me with 2 presents. A �Brand New� t-shirt because gosh darn it, I love them boys. And a Homer Simpson poster of all his famous quotes which now adorns my wall. Supposedly there is another gift that I just have to wait for. He also suggested to taking me out to dinner but his lovely $500 piece of junk car is no longer working, making getting around impossible. Either way, I�m still joyful for what I got. And it�s only noon, there�s still half a day left.

Also to make this occasion even more special, I decided to wear a gift I bought for myself.

It speaks the truth.