Stay Put. Please


Bigfoot is very insisting on coming down and seeing my on Sunday. I would have thought of this as a swell idea a month ago but now I find it a big burden. Not because I don�t want to see him but since we have 11 days left till school starts again, can�t he just simply wait? Why make such a big effort of driving down 8 hours just to spend one day with me? Once again I haven�t expressed that to him. I say things like �Great, can�t wait to see you.� Or �Can�t wait for you to meet everybody.� I unfortunately cannot stop him.

I find college and home to be two different parallel worlds that should not be mixed. He however is crossing those boundaries and it�s stressing me to no end. My worry is not that I rather he stay put but that he�ll arrive here and see how unbelievably pathetic my home life is and we�ll have a horrible time. I hate being responsible for someone�s good time. But like I said I can�t stop him, no matter how much I wish the state troopers would.

The only thing that is making me happy right about now is my newly purchased (not downloaded like the usual) Red Hot Chili Peppers album, which can bring a smile upon my face anytime of the day. God bless the Chilies.