Orgasmic Cookies, Jesus And Everything In Between


I�m finally able to sit down by a computer for more than few minutes. I ventured out into the school lab again because it is still my only source for Internet. I did have to change my seat though because the pervious computer I sat happened to be positioned so that the person next to me ended up sitting somewhat behind me and well I am a paranoid freak who does not want their stuff read. And I know that guy was! Eek, and there was another kiddo sitting across from me who kept smiling and somewhat waving at me. See, here it might be considered friendly, but I�m still in Brooklyn mode where it�s down right creepy. I�m still flattered.

Classes started today and it wasn�t anything special. Bigfoot drove me to and from school as he promised to do so every day he can. After class, as I sat in my living room and Bigfoot was in the bathroom, the doorbell rang. A guy holding a big bouquet of flowers asked �Are you Joanna?� This shows I should always wear a nametag. Anyhow, the flowers happened to be from the scheming boy who stepped out of the bathroom as I turned around. I did tell him once that flowers are a key to my heart, yet surprises are a key to a heart attack. Either way I loved it. He wrote on the note �Hope these flowers put a little sunshine on this rainy day� and they did.

The apartment looks great so far. I�ll post pictures once Internet will be brought to us (September 8th). Our first guest over was none other than Jesus aka Josh. Pretty shocking when you�re lounging on the couch with a very revealing shirt (that I can only wear in the privacy of my own house) and in comes the ever so fine Jesus. He sat next to me on the couch and we chatted, or rather I stuttered along. He still manages to make me nervous. He came back later that night, once Bigfoot was home from work. I baked some cookies, which everyone agreed were orgasmic.

I�m still in the process of finding a job. So far I�m living off my student loan but today I�m hitting the pavement. Hence me being here actually, I needed to update my resume before I went off into the real world. There�s a small restaurant a block away from the apartment that is looking for people for all positions, that�s a possible option. I also got word of Old Navy hiring on the spot. Crazy notion I say but it�s worth a try.

That�s pretty much everything in my life in a nutshell.