Back For The Very First Time


Guess whose back? Back again. Jo's back. Tell a friend.

This may seem crazy now but hear me out. 2 months ago I was rudely taken away from diaryland. 2 months of diaryland withdrawals... Well, actually the truth is that someone who shall remain nameless, found my precious diary and read my secrets. Someone in my circle of friends. Naturally, all hell broke loose. He denies ever doing it. I still hate him. But what can you do? My best friend goes out with that sucker now. I'll hate him secretly.

Ahem, anyhow, I'm back. Maybe this time around I'll be more lucky. I would love to link my old diary here so everyone would see who I really am from my old entries and such. But really there's no point. The links on that one are all broken. So I'm starting from scratch here.

My name is Joanna. I'm 18 years old (will be 19 in January). I live in Brooklyn, New York. I guess those are the basics and that's all you need to know for now.

It's good to be back.