March Love Madness


I was never fond of March because of the mental disease that hits me each around this time but this time around I would like to start of the month on a hopeful note. Perhaps a better introduction to my love, Bigfoot will get the month rolling properly.
Section 1:
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Height: six foot, two
Six pack: no
Long hair or short: short
Glasses: he�s the geek with them and blind without them
Eyebrows: oddly enough they�re perfectly shaped
Big butt or little: enough for me to squeeze onto
Chest hair: very little
Buff or skinny: Neither?
Teeth: Once again, oddly enough perfectly straight

Section 2:
Funny or serious: he�s the comedian but knows when to drop the act
Party-hopper or stay-at-home: both
Should he be able to bake or cook: I�d like him to but the only appliance he has mastered is the George Forman grill
Does he have a best friend: I�m occupying that position for the time being
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends: he does/did and it�s not okay.
Out-going or shy: very out going, reason #389482309 why I fell in love with him
Does he love his mother: very much
Does he watch chick-flicks: with a strained smile
Is he be a smoker: like a chimney, unfortunetly
How about a drinker: come on! He�s Irish
Does he swear: no more than me.
Does he play with your hair: it�s not something I enjoy
Does he have more than one girlfriend at a time: only if he�s looking for castration
Does he pay for you when you're on a date: we share our money so it�s 50/50
Does he kiss on the first date: we didn�t have a first date, we kissed the first day he told me about his feelings for me
Where do you go for dinner: anywhere we can afford
Does he buy you flowers: yes and he knows they�re the way to my heart
Would he lay under the stars with you: he already did
Does he write poetry about you: mmm yes and it�s beautiful
Would he hang with you and your friends: sure

Section 3:
Does he play soccer: no
Does he play baseball: nope
Football: used to
Basketball: nope
Water polo: Haha, he�s not from O.C
Does he surf: no
Skateboard: let�s just say he�s very uncordinated, walking up the stairs is a challenge therefore any sport is a dangerous undertaking
Snowboard: once, i think
Can he sing: best shower singer ever
Play the guitar: he rocks the air guitar
Play piano: no
Play the drums: I bet he�d love to
Can he keep his room clean: can I? (no and no)
Is he an artist of sorts: a marvelous writer
Does he write his own music: not music�
Does he have pets: not anymore

Section 4:
Does he use the word dude: I fill that quota
Does he use the word tight: Once again ^
Would he watch the sunrise and sunset with you: In a heartbeat
What kind of car does he have: Something with 4 wheels that breaks down a lot
How old is he: twenty-one
What's his name: Privacy allows me only to refer to him as Bigfoot.