Hitting The Slopes in an Unqualified Fashion


After working at ski shop for more than 4 months, I think it�s been long overdue for me to finally try my hand at north country�s winter activities. I never imagined myself to find any interest in going up a mountain in snow only to come down on a wooden stick. Yet I see people come into the shop, drop sometimes thousands of dollars on equipment, their excitement is contagious. Then I also remember that my own father was once a skier but only spread that love of sport onto my sister. Either way the perks of my employment are tempting, free ski lift passes (as opposed to pay $60 for a day), free rentals ($20 for a day) and appropriate clothing (put on store credit). I didn�t chose skis for my outing, but a snowboard because somehow I am oddly convinced I�d do well on it. I managed to convince Bigfoot to accompany me to Lake Placid which is only an hour away to try to master Whiteface mountain. I also suggested for an experienced snowboard to join us because two clueless fools on a mountain will only add up to broken limbs. And now with this nor�easter passing through, the conditions for this trip seems quite favorable. You could say I�m more than excited, though I�ve been warned my muscles will be protesting the morning after.