It's A Sad Day In My History


Let�s see, what has happened in the past few days. My pride and joy of a cat has passed away suddenly from heart failure. My own heart has been crushed over this and it�s still very hard to comprehend. Before her passing I decided to rush home this weekend and see her before she�s gone but time was against me. However, I�m still going home for some comfort from my mother.
Aside from that depressing departure another mood killing even occurred today. Kerry lost, Bush won. I don�t want to get political but it�s somewhat discouraging that after months of being so politically active, the guy you put your hopes in, fails. I also fail to see how the American public can re-elect Bush after so many mistakes he has done. I see no common sense here. A lot of people are saying they�re moving out of the country but they said the same thing 4 years ago. Frankly, I�m not in the terrorist targeted area but the rest of my family still resides in New York City. If another attack happens there, it is my family�s well being at stake. Bush doesn�t make me feel any safer nor richer seeing as those my tuition is rising like crazy. It�s obvious many of my homosexual friends won�t be able to marry like the rest of us, or that any woman�s contraception will be in limited supply and more jobs will be lost. But hell, Bush sure can kill those terrorist right? Except for that one that started it all.