Killing The Last Of The Readers


Bigfoot had a bad week so when Friday rolled around he decided it would be best for him to go home for the weekend, alone. I faced the idea of being bored for 3 days with a smile. I understood that it would be best for him to get out of here therefore I put up no protest. He however left me in the hands of a good man, a man who I quickly fell in love with. His name is George Foreman, and he grills! Now I can have all the grilled cheese sandwiches to my heart�s content. Bigfoot doesn�t believe me that I can leave him for an electronic grill but hey, you never know.

Also in the mean time I followed the steps of Laura and got a livejournal. After realizing that you no longer need a code to sign up, I jumped on the wagon and joined the community. I was very excited about it till the time came for me to write my entries. I can�t think of much to write here these days, much less for another journal. Soon I�ll be resorting to writing my daily round up, which in itself is quite boring and if written here will put anyone to sleep, as if I�m not doing that already. I'm sorry if I am.

Maybe I should stick to one journal to keep the number of people are bored by me, to a minimum. I look out for your well being!