Penis Free Since 07


I am done with men. I am done with relationships. Quite frankly I don't even miss it.
I started hanging out with Jenn. With bonded over once dating Nick (and hating it). She has been such an change in my life. She is so focused on school and exceeding at it and just by hanging out with her, I too have become a nerd. I mean seriously, we're pretty pathetic. We come in the morning to school early to study and stay after class to study.
At work, on my breaks I whip out index cards! I don't think I even knew how to study before this. Of course it's been paying off, I've been excelling in school which is a big surprise to my parents. With school and work, I have no time to think about anything else, and I like it. I don't need another douchebag to bring me down.
You really have to scarfice things in life to achieve this enlightment.