American Dream


There was a period, when we moved out here of such uncertainty that it made me loathe the town, the people and my very own parents. We didn't have a car to get around with and without it, my mother and I were prisoners of this very house.
I hated seeing her stress over not being able to find a job, that instead she had to cater to my father more purely because there was nothing else to do. It all kind of reminded me of when we moved to America. My mother, a nurse in Poland had to clean people's houses in order to make money. It was that same uncertainty that hung in the air.
All I wanted to do here was escape, where there were no expectations or feelings of failure. I visited Matt one more time, much to the dismay of my parents. It gave me time to breathe and be unburdened and when I came back things somehow unfolded themselves. My mother got a job at a hospital and they bought a car to get around with. Surprisingly enough I managed to find a job for myself as well. It's nothing to do with my chosen field and I'm bummed about it but it pays rather well.
I think I just worried that this move would have the same process as the move to America. Yet the adjustment was shorter, the success was greater and damn, I didn't have to learn a new language.