Be My Friend


With Bigfoot�s job taking up most of his time and school having the rest, I am mostly found in this apartment alone. And now with the weather getting nicer, I look out longingly out the window at the blossoming flowers. I was never the one to take walks by myself but this isn�t New York city where everyone you go there is another hundreds of people attempting to do the same. Our apartment is located a block away from the lake and two blocks away from the entrance of the old air force base which has been abandoned for 6 years now. There�s a path that goes along the lake and the base and when it�s secluded it�s great but there�s only so much to see. After few days of walking the same path you get a bit sketched out by the empty buildings. I keep thinking if I had any sort of a pet that would be my excuse to get out more, even a bunny could be taken out for a walk.

While inside, I�ve formed a small addiction to Netflix. I credit the website for rediscovering my love for the ill fated WB show �Popular�. And like in real life, on Netflix I�m lacking friends to share the movie love. So if anyone who reads this has Netflix, do bless me with a friend invitation. It will make my day. My email is [email protected]