Money Grows On Cherry Trees


I�ll spare you the details of how I came to be unemployed for the last two weeks. The worst unemployment there is, is the one you brought onto yourself. Yes, I quit after just one day of working at my new job. Perhaps I was under the impression that if they hired me, anyone else would be dumb not to. Turns out I was wrong, very wrong. With school only taking up 2 days out of my week, I have extreme amounts of free time on my hands. Most of it has been consumed to sleeping, eating and playing GTA. I feel lazy and useless and I hate it. And now with spring break arriving, I figured I�d be lazy and useless at home. During this time I can also find opportunity to ask the parents to fill my financial deficit. Bigfoot still has his job but his plans for spring break are taking him to Buffalo for heavy intoxication. I fear he�ll spend all the money he earned on the St Patty�s festivities and when rent is due we�ll be left begging for money. This whole living on your own concept is starting to wear really thin.