

After finishing yesterday�s entry, I retreated to my bed and succumbed to the slumber only to be woken by the mailman few minutes later. He had a package for me with my address written in 10 year olds handwriting. I knew it was from Bigfoot. He had sent me a journal which could quite possibly be the most beautiful I have ever seen. I couldn�t stop grinning while I ran my fingers over the cover, that is until I opened it and saw what he had written in there. My smile became permanent.

As you are a constant motivation for me to keep chasing my dream. My muse so to speak. I hope these pages help you find the dreams you seek. As we begin this new chapter of you and me.

Have I mentioned I�m nose over tail in love with this boy? I haven't seen him in over a month now and each day is a struggle. Yet he gives me motivation and is my strenght for everything and I could never have asked for more.

Alright, enough with the mush. I�m starting to gag on it myself.