It's The Return Of Speedos


After spending the night at Christina�s house, I reluctantly returned home only to find myself sitting down at this laptop and crying for reason unknown to me. I cried and cried, called Bigfoot and cried to him. I couldn�t explain why but the tears kept coming till finally Oprah came on TV and within seconds I was swept into a deep slumber. After waking up I couldn�t think of anything constructive and suddenly my head began to contemplate life�s questions. For one, I began dissecting the meaning of Britney Spear�s video for �Every time�. I must admit it�s an odd video so naturally there must be a moral to it. After deep contemplation I�ve reached the conclusion that the message of the video is quite simple. Every time a Britney Spears dies, a baby is born.

After that issue was tackled, I went on to ponder other things. Such as the resurgence of people reaching this diary by the oh-so popular search topic of boys in Speedos. For those who have been reading this for quite a while, you must be aware that I have mentioned boys in Speedos on numerous occasions in the past. However lately they haven�t been really brought up, not since August to be exact. Yet, still people flock here by Google or MSN hoping to see some boys in Speedos. I don�t know what�s the big deal. It�s just skimpy underwear that�s quite acceptable in Europe. Still, I can�t disappoint the public so I present to you a boy in a Speedo!

Sad thing is, we�re related.