Assumption Is My Favorite Pastime


On our 3-month anniversary, I spent my day weeping into a pillow while Bigfoot was home with her. He doesn�t understand why I get so upset whenever he�s with her. It�s a simple fact that I cannot trust her. She liked one boy who was already in a relationship. She said she would never jeopardize that union but only a week later she manages to sleep with him. What would make this different? I was already unhappy when word got to me that she�s taking him back to her hometown. Bigfoot didn�t even bother telling me that himself, I heard it from her friend. They came back this morning, he took a shower and off they went to his home for the night.

Most distressing thing of all is knowing that I�m the hypocrite. Here I am assuming he�s out there cheating while I�m the one who kissed a random guy last night. Whose the fool now?