The Sighting Of The Czech Yeti


There are few stories from my unexciting life that I�ll treasure forever. This is one of them.

In 1999, I spent 2 weeks in a mountain resort in the Czech republic along with 20 other peers. Our headquarters was a hotel situated on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. Due to raging hormones, girls were put on the second floor, while boys slept on the 3rd. We were to abide by strict rules, such as no drinking, no smoking and lights out by 10pm. Naturally all of those were broken.

One night, as the clock hit past 10 and my body was no where near slumber land, I heard knocking on the door to our room which was shared by me and 2 other girls. Figuring my roommates were already sleeping I decided to ignore the guest. Suddenly, my friend jumped out of her bed and rushed to open the door. In came 5 boys from upstairs, wearing to my shock, Speedos. Yes, they practically live in those. I rose from the bed and looked at the huddled group of pubescent boys who looked stricken with fear.

�What�s wrong?� My roommate asked.

�There�s something in our room.� One of them replied. �We opened the window and there was something sitting outside. Something furry.�

�It�s a Yeti!� The smallest one chimed in.

�Yetis don�t come out in the summer.� I tried to sound rational.

�There are no Yetis� My roommate�s logic didn�t sink in though. We all gave her skeptical looks and fell silent. It was decided in few minutes that this needs a woman�s inspection. We looked towards the 3rd girl, hoping she�d come along but seeing her looking up at us without a word, it was understood she wasn�t going to be a part of this. We later realized she just sleeps with her eyes half open and didn�t even stir at the mention of a Yeti.

After sneaking up upstairs, my roommate and I were surprised to see that every one of the males have now awoken and is camping out in the hallway. No one even bothered to make themselves look decent. I guess no one expected to see two girls come up there looking for the ever-elusive abominable snowman. Everyone was huddled around the entrance to the room where the Yeti was supposedly residing. The room was empty and for the more eerie feeling the lights were turned off. The window was wide open and the curtains were flying all over due to the wind. If there was any doubt in my head, by then it was all gone. My roommate was fearless, or maybe just sensible. She turned on the lights, walked in casually, closed the window and shrugged.

�No Yeti here,� She proclaimed and just like that the case was solved. Yet the boys weren�t convinced. They refused to sleep in the room where the monster supposedly left its tracks. They followed us downstairs and squeezed into our spare bed. They recounted the sighting till sunrise and by then the story of a Yeti was turned a tale of an overweight pigeon who supposedly was staking out their window. During breakfast, as the story reached everyone, the 5 boys were asked to draw a description of what they saw. And on a small piece of napkin they drew this,

a huge window with a gray fur ball in the corner. A sight terrifying enough to make 5 teenage boys squeal like girls. It�s just something I�ll never forget.