Spread The Pollen


Having 2 weeks off for spring break, you would think I�d go sew my wild oats somewhere in Cancun with some crazy Mexican who wants to show me a fiesta. But knowing me, I�d probably get attacked with flying burritos. Actually every Spring Break is a repeat of the previous year. I usually venture out in the nice warm weather to find something productive only resulting in finding absolutely nothing and spending the rest of my vacation cursing myself over leaving the house in the first place.

This weekend was my attempt to find that something productive. I got a whiff of the Cherry Blossom festival in the Botanical Gardens. Along with the cherry blossoms there was supposed to be a showcase of Japanese culture. Any person should know that judging from this layout, I love anything Japanese. Someone told me once that I am a black person at heart just because all my friends used to be black (and somehow that made me black as well) now that I have no friends, I�m trying to turn that blackness into �Jap-ness�. Except I don�t want to turn Japanese in the male masturbation sort of way. I�ll take the road less traveled. Anyhow, I had to check the festival out. I didn�t find any cultural activity unless you want to consider hundreds upon hundreds of Asian people staring at cherry blossom trees, cultural. I did get reacquainted with nature. And I gave my camera a work out. Here�s a showcase of a little beauty in Brooklyn.

Here is the star of the day, the one and only cherry blossom. It�s beginning to sound like the name of a distant Power Puff girl cousin.

Upon getting home, I felt the need to photograph all my plants. If you ignore the McDonald flag in the background you would think this picture is artistic.

I�m just glad I don�t have any allergies.