Wassssssabbiiiiiiii Pt 2


Seeing that my ode to Japanese soaps is a popular entry, I decided to do a follow up.

When we last left the characters of "First Love", it was shaping up to be a classic love triangle. 2 sisters fighting over one very uncomfortable looking man. Seeing that it's been weeks now since I started watching, I finally got their names down. Mao San(the guy) is the coveted prize for Ezewa(the younger sister) and Tomoko(the older sister). In the beginning Mao San was avoiding Ezewa but Tomoko was turning out to be a little Japenese manipulator. She started staging little gatherings so that Ezewa and Mao San would always end up seeing each other. Finally after few months (3 episodes), Mao San came clean to Tomoko. He called off the engagement and told her he loved her sister. Funny thing about that was that his "love" Ezewa was next room getting her freak on with her boyfriend whom she didn't even like. When Mao San broke it off with Tomoko, she threatened to kill herself, saying without him she cannot live. He left anyway. That bastard.

Just as he was leaving the building, Ezewa's boyfriend came out (needing fresh air after all that sex). Seeing Mao San he got all puffy and huffy, figuring he was stalking Ezewa. So a classic fist fight ensued. Ezewa came out as well, upon seeing her lovers fight she ran away. She does a lot.

Few days later, Mao San came to visit Ezewa, telling her its over with him and Tomoko and proclaiming his love for her. Yet Ezewa suddenly began feeling mixed emotions. Mao San began getting annoyed with her, saying she was immature. Ouch. Meanwhile Tomoko started getting more suicidal. 15 minutes of the show would be devoted to her sitting in her room and staring into blank space. I guess that's a suicidal activity in Japan. She finally meet up with Mao San and told him it was ok for him to be with Ezewa. That she was fine with his decision though she still loved him. At the same time Ezewa's other boyfriend was convincing her that Mao San treats her like a child and doesn't give her the respect that she deserves. Surprise surprise, Mao San also began seeing that Tomoko was a mature woman who does not pout, cry and run every chance she gets.

At Mao San's work, his client committed suicide. A lawsuit was filed against him and BAM, Mao San was fired. Tomoko paid thousands of dollars to get the lawsuit out and get his job back. When Mao San found out he took his money and gave it to Tomoko who proceeded to throw them into his face and walk out. Not run out. She disappeared for few days and a desperate search began for her. Soon though Mao San realized that she was just sitting outside his house stalking him. After letting her in, Tomoko began telling him that this was all a game. She never loved him. She knew from the beginning about his and Ezewa's past. To this Mao San told her he loved her. When they slept together, he told her, he was madly in love. Tomoko, all stunned gave Nao San a glass of wine. She told him she dropped poison in it. Mao San drank it quickly and with a stupid smile he tells her, he knows her better and doubts she is capable of killing a man. Minutes later he's on the floor convulsing and sweating like a pig. I guess he didn't know her that well. Tomoko leaves the apartment but guess who shows up to save the day? Ezewa! Go her!

Tomoko meanwhile proceeds to go to the hospital roof. She stands on the edge for a while then jumps off. She falls from a 10 story building. The next scene is of her in the hospital with a band-aid on her cheek. She fell 10 stories and gets away with a band-aid? Japanese people must defy laws of gravity. Yet it turns out that miraculously Mao San was at the bottom to catch her and soften her fall. He ended up with broken ribs.

With the heroic save Tomoko realizes she loves Nao San. Ezewa realizes she's extremely jealous that he would risk his life for that weird woman. Tomoko asks Ezewa if she can marry Mao San. Ezewa doesn't say yes but she doesn't say no either. Once out of the hospital Mao San informs his friend that Tomoko is moving in. Few days later Ezewa shows up at his apartment. Mao San tells her how mature she is now but Ezewa begins crying (there goes the maturity). She tells him how she wants to drop down on the floor, kicking and screaming that he is hers and only hers. Then she gets up and runs away. I mean really, how do you expect the guy to love you if you keep running away?

The episode ended with Mao San staring into a mirror. So I'm guessing he's having second thoughts again.

So there, you are all now brought up to date with "First Love".

Or should I call it "The Love That Defies All Logic"?