Love & Hate


The answer to my question was none of the choices I thought.

Turns out Rony has manners, or so he claims, and he just had to send me a birthday greeting. The problem in all of this was we haven't spoken in almost 2 years. Another problem is his dislike towards me. Love can go sour quickly, especially with me involved. I treated him like a dirt bag and then completely ignored him for a year. And yet deep down inside him I cared for him deeply.

I'm a stubborn person, so to muster up the courage to apologize to him took a lot. But I did and he seems to be forgiven me, I think. Now we speak 2 line sentences, slowly getting back into that old friendship we had.

Things have changed though, I lost the will to converse with anyone. When he speaks I'm blank and it may seem rude not to respond but I can't think of anything. I wish he would leave me alone, and soon he will if this continues.

One thing that hasn't changed is my annoyance towards him. I always wondered how he could get me irritated so often. I think I expect too much from him and when he comes at me with his stupid lines, I get aggravated.

I'm such a hard person to put up with.