Midnight Hoot


Oh, 12 o�clock on the dot. Lucky me. Reminds me of the David Gray CD "New day at midnight".

Honey now if I'm honest, I still don't know what love is.

I make no sense nor do the Englishman.

Has anyone seen Made on MTV? With the band of guys called Sly Caps? Yeah, pretty nifty. I was stuck on their song by the end of the program that I just had to download it. I don't understand why no one liked them in their school. If there were a band in my school I so would be a groupie. Catching them before the shows and begging them to sign my boobs. Ah, the possibilities.

No but really, get the song Sly Caps "The boring life". Pretty much sums up my life.

Hey, guess what's annoying. A guy who is not your boyfriend, demanding to know why you got home so late. And proceeding to send text messages to your friend, asking where you are. Well it's not me cause why would anyone care if I got home late. But really, don't message ME asking if she's with me.

Then she wonders why I dislike him so much.