Have A Happy & Quiet Year


6 more days till my birthday. I'm going to be 19. I remember when I turned 5 and my grandfather gave me this pink sweater with Mickey Mouse on it. Or when I was 11 and Dad and I ventured out for our cake. Yeah, him and me share a birthday. I'm his little "present". I doubt he thinks of me in that way now. One time on my 9th birthday I think, everyone came over and I saw him standing by the fireplace. I asked him why he's so quiet and he says that everyone gave me gifts but he didn't get anything. He was a laughing at that but I felt awful. I was taking away his special day and no longer did I want gifts. But I later found out that he was so quiet because no one would speak to him because he was drinking all winter long. The family hated him. Ah, the memories.

So I consider 19 to be a "quiet" year. Here's my theory, 15 is a "quiet" year, it gets you ready for 16. 17 is a "quiet" year, it gets you ready for 18. So 19 is a "quiet" year, it gets you ready for 21. Yes you need 2 "quiet" years for 21. I wish I was 7 though and just be "quiet" forever.